Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Equipping 101 Update

Here are few basic understandings and concepts concerning the NEW Westminster Leadership Plan

Basic understandings:
Session seeks God for vision and direction.
Session casts the vision and implements the vision via the gifting and calling of our church members and staff.
Session oversees the whole ministry of the church.
Abandon the concept that there is one elder representing each area of ministry on session.
Abandon the idea that every ministry needs to overseen by a specific committee or staff person.
Leadership needs to rotate to allow for many to take their turn leading, work against stagnation and control, and avoidance of burnout.

Three main types of groups:
Each ministry, committee or task force has a leader appointed by session. They may function as a team or committee or an ad hoc group of volunteers as approved by session. All appointments are renewed annually by session.

Standing Committees are committees that are required to be ongoing for the health and wholeness of the church and some are required by the Book of Order. They are led by leaders, who serve for one to three-year terms and may renew for a second three-year term, but must term out after six years. Nominating, Stewardship and Personnel shall be chaired by active session members.

Some ministries are lead by paid or volunteer staff as determined by session in consultation with the head of staff. Some are lead by church members.

Ministries are lead by leaders who are renewed annually but are not required to term out at three years.

Standing Ministries are ministries where a rotation of leadership is best due to the stress of the work or the power held by that ministry. Standing Ministries are lead by leaders, who serve for one to three-year terms and may renew for a second three-year term, but must term out after six years.

Staff Lead Ministries are lead by paid or volunteer staff as determined by session in consultation with the head of staff. These leaders are given annual performance reviews by the personnel committee. Some of these ministries may be Standing Ministries.

Task Forces are appointed by session for a certain project with specific goals and are disbanded when the task is complete.

The next post will be a list of Standing Committees, Standing Ministries and Ministries. Hopefully that will put some context to the above descriptions.

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