Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Dear church -

Worship is more that sitting in the sanctuary on Sunday Mornings. The word "worship" actually means "work of the people". We often think of worship as prayer, preaching, sacraments and singing. Worship can involve all four elements, but worship is more than that. Worship is serving God. Everything we do as service to the Lord is worship. When we share God's love in real tangible ways it is worship. Just imagine you could be washing the dishes and worshiping God at the same time. No cathedral, no organ, no pulpit necessary! So, why is it necessary to meet together on Sundays?

We need to be together in worship on Sundays because we are part of a community together. Following Jesus is more than a solitary pursuit. It is also a walk along side and with others who are also following Jesus. There are times to worship alone and times to worship together. There are times we worship through serving God and others in very practical, visible ways and times we worship and serve in ways that may seem invisible. Singing out together, speaking out together, believing God hears and responds may not seem practical to some, but things happen unseen - deep in our hearts. These are the invisible workings of God in us that become visible as we live out our worship in our daily lives. The Holy Spirit mysteriously moves through the prayers, songs, words, signs, hand shakes, hugs and symbols we share on Sunday morning. Worship should always be God-centered, but we do benefit and receive hope and strength when we worship the living God together. We have a lone solitary life in Christ and a together body life in Christ. Both are real and both are necessary parts of the Christian life. Come; let's worship together this Sunday.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


We are blessed to have an awesome ministry meet at our church called the Capernaum Project. The minster to youth and youg adults with disabilities - The local paper published a wonderful article about them at http://www.rosegardenresident.com/rg-cover.shtml - or click on the title of this article