Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Jediah Norman arrived last night

It has been a crazy couple of days around the Norman house. Sunday night Kimberly and Micah came over to visit and Kimberly was not feeling well. They were thinking of going to the hospital the next day, but ended up going in at about 10:30 PM that night. Kimberly had severe swelling and was eventual diagnosed with preeclampsia. The doctors decided to induce labor. Kimberly was very brave and wonderful and Micah was a great coach and took good care of Kimberly. By Tuesday at around 7 PM Kimberly was having strong contractions but Jediah's heart rate was slowing. The doctors felt that it was becoming to hard for Jediah, so they opted for a C-section. Micah went along and stayed with Kimberly during the operation. Sometime soon after 8 PM Jediah entered the world four weeks premature weighing 3 lbs and 10 oz. Praise God for a wonderfully beautiful baby boy. Kimberly was doing well afterwards and her family all gathered around to see her and Jediah. Micah, Melia and Lily Mann were there to welcome Jediah.

1 comment:

mikemat said...

Great Pictures, Steve,